How I Got My First Five Clients for My New Agency with the New Business Model

Introduction to the WAS Model

In order to understand the methods used to acquire clients for the new agency, it is important to have a clear understanding of the WAS model. The WAS model, which stands for Website as a Service, is a unique approach to website creation and management. Here’s how it works:

Explanation of the WAS model

The WAS model involves reaching out to local business owners in specific niches, such as realtors, roofers, pest control companies, and photographers. These business owners either need a website to start their business, don’t have the time or expertise to create one themselves, or have a website that is outdated or ineffective.

Targeting local business owners in specific niches

By targeting local business owners in specific niches, the agency can tailor their services to meet the unique needs of these clients. This targeted approach allows for more effective outreach and greater success in acquiring clients.

Reasons why clients need a website

There are several reasons why clients need a website. First and foremost, a website is essential for starting a business. It serves as a digital storefront and allows potential customers to learn more about the business and its offerings. Additionally, many business owners simply don’t have the time or expertise to create a website themselves. Outsourcing the task allows them to focus on other aspects of their business.

Opportunity to outsource website creation

The WAS model provides an opportunity for clients to outsource website creation and management. This frees up their time and allows them to focus on running their business, while the agency takes care of the technical aspects of website creation.

Examples of clients’ website needs

Clients have a variety of website needs. Some may need a simple, user-friendly website to showcase their products or services. Others may require additional features, such as a mortgage calculator or social media planner. The agency can cater to these needs and create customized websites that meet the unique requirements of each client.

Method 1: Sending a Prospect a Photo of a Fully Done Website

One effective method for acquiring clients using the WAS model is to send a prospect a photo of a fully done website. Here’s how you can implement this method:

Creating a template website in HighLevel

Start by creating a template website in HighLevel. You can use pre-designed templates or customize one to fit the needs of your potential clients. For example, if you’re targeting realtors, create a template specifically for them.

Creating a Canva template to match the website

Next, create a Canva template that closely matches the design of the website. This template will serve as a visual representation of the website that you can easily personalize for each prospect.

Using Instagram to find potential clients

Utilize Instagram to find potential clients. Search for hashtags related to your target audience, such as #newagent, and filter the results by most recent. This will help you find individuals who are more likely to respond to your outreach.

Personalizing the template with the prospect’s name and photo

Select a prospect from your search results and take a screenshot of their profile photo. Add this photo to your Canva template along with their name. By personalizing the template, you’ll catch their attention and make it appear as though you’ve already created a website specifically for them.

Sending a DM with the website photo to catch their attention

Send a direct message to the prospect on Instagram with the personalized website photo. Introduce yourself and mention that you noticed they don’t have a website yet. Offer to show them the rest of the website and discuss further if they’re interested.

This method works for two reasons. Firstly, the personalized website photo will catch their attention and make your outreach stand out from the crowd. Secondly, they’ll be curious to see the rest of the website and may be more inclined to engage with you.

Remember, at this stage, you’re only sending photos of the website to gauge their interest. If they respond positively and want to see more, you can then proceed to duplicate the template in HighLevel, customize it further, and provide them with a complete website.

By utilizing this method, you can send out a higher volume of outreach and increase your chances of acquiring new clients without spending excessive time building custom websites for every prospect.

Method 2: Posting in Facebook Groups

Another effective method for acquiring clients using the WAS model is to utilize Facebook groups. Here’s how you can implement this method:

Joining relevant Facebook groups

Start by joining Facebook groups that are relevant to your target audience. Look for groups that have a large number of members and are frequented by potential clients. For example, if you’re targeting realtors, join groups specifically for real estate professionals.

Building relationships and adding value before posting

Before making your post, take the time to interact with the group members. Comment on their posts, provide valuable insights, and establish yourself as a knowledgeable and helpful member of the community. This will help build trust and make your post more well-received.

Offering free websites in exchange for reviews and feedback

Create a post in the Facebook group offering free websites to a limited number of individuals in exchange for reviews and feedback. Highlight the features and benefits of the websites, such as mobile and laptop compatibility, customized templates, and additional features like a mortgage calculator or chat widget.

Explaining the hosting fee as the only cost for the client

Make it clear in your post that the websites are free, but there is a monthly hosting fee. Explain that this fee is necessary for the website to be live on a server, regardless of whether they build it themselves or outsource it. Emphasize that this fee is a standard cost for any website and not an additional charge specific to your agency.

Using templates to quickly create websites for interested prospects

When individuals express interest in your offer, use templates in your website creation platform to quickly customize and create websites for them. Change the name, photos, and other details to personalize the website for each prospect. Provide a quick walkthrough of the website using a screen recording tool like Loom, and schedule a call to discuss further.

By leveraging Facebook groups, you can reach a large number of potential clients and offer them a valuable service in exchange for reviews and feedback. This method allows you to establish credibility and build relationships within the community, increasing your chances of acquiring new clients.

Introduction to the Inner Circle Club

The Inner Circle Club is an exclusive community for agency owners who are looking to scale their businesses to $10,000 a month. This private club offers a unique opportunity for like-minded individuals to connect, share insights, and hold each other accountable on their journey to success.

Announcement of the Inner Circle Club

After receiving positive feedback from the community, the Inner Circle Club is officially launching. This club aims to provide a supportive and motivating environment for agency owners who are committed to taking action and achieving their goals.

Goals and purpose of the club

The main goal of the Inner Circle Club is to create a community where agency owners can come together to share their wins, insights, and strategies. By collaborating and learning from each other, members can accelerate their growth and overcome challenges more effectively.

Benefits of joining the club

By joining the Inner Circle Club, members gain access to a range of exclusive benefits. These include:

  • Templates for websites that have been successfully sold to clients.
  • Forms and funnels that are essential for selling websites.
  • Behind-the-scenes videos on how to run a successful agency, including onboarding clients, service delivery, website editing, and more.
  • A private chat where members can connect, participate in weekly calls, share wins, and compete with each other.

Requirements for joining the club

Joining the Inner Circle Club is 100% free, but there is a simple requirement to filter out those who are not committed to taking action. To gain entry, all you need to do is sign up for HighLevel using the provided link. This not only ensures that you are serious about building your agency but also gives you access to additional resources to support your growth.

Raffle announcement for a chance to win a book

As an added bonus, those who join the club will have the opportunity to enter a raffle to win a hardcover copy of Alex Josi’s $100 Million Leads book. This book is a valuable resource for agency owners and will be a great addition to your library. The winner will be announced within the club, giving you a chance to be the lucky recipient of this exclusive prize.


Thank you for reading this blog and learning about the WAS model and how to acquire clients for your new agency. As you can see, the methods discussed in this blog have been proven to be effective in getting clients for our agency.

Preview of upcoming videos on website creation

We are excited to announce that we will be releasing more videos on website creation in the future. These videos will provide step-by-step instructions on how to create and edit websites for your clients.

Instructions for joining the Inner Circle Club

If you are interested in joining a community of like-minded agency owners who are looking to scale their businesses, we invite you to join the Inner Circle Club. It is free to join, and all you need to do is sign up for HighLevel using the provided link.

Reminder to sign up with the provided HighLevel link

To gain entry to the Inner Circle Club, make sure to sign up for HighLevel using the link provided. This will not only show your commitment to building your agency but also give you access to additional resources to support your growth.

Raffle details for the book giveaway

As a bonus, those who join the Inner Circle Club will have a chance to win a hardcover copy of Alex Josi’s $100 Million Leads book. This book is a valuable resource for agency owners and will be a great addition to your library. The winner will be announced within the club, giving you a chance to win this exclusive prize.

Closing remarks and anticipation for future videos

We hope that the information provided in this blog has been useful to you as you start or expand your agency. We are excited to continue sharing more insights and strategies with you in future videos. Stay tuned for more content on website creation and agency growth.

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